Public Employees Retirement System

Changes After Enrollment

During peak enrollment times (i.e., plan change, peak retirement periods, end of month), processing delays may occur. Please submit your requested change 30 days prior to the requested effective date of change to avoid delay. 

Change of address

If you change your address, you or an authorized party must notify PHIP in writing. Complete and submit a Change of Address Form to PHIP, including member’s Social Security number or PERS ID number and signature. Address changes may be sent via mail or fax, or through the online form.  (Email requests will not be accepted.)

You must maintain a primary residence (not mailing) within the United States to be eligible for PHIP. If you reside in another country, you are not eligible to keep PHIP coverage.


  • PHIP will notify your health plan, however they will not update your address with the PERS Pension office. You will need to contact them directly.
  • If you do not notify PHIP within 30 days of moving outside your service area, you may lose coverage. 

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Change selected payment type

PHIP offers different payment methods; pension deduction and electronic funds transfer (EFT). To change your payment method, submit a completed PHIP Payment Options Form to PHIP.

Notice: Please allow at least one billing cycle for the change.

Late Payments

Premium payments is due on the first of the month, with no grace period. If payment is not received by then, the account will be considered delinquent. If you do not pay your premium, your health plan coverage will be canceled.

OAR 459-035-0090
(3) If payment is by check or money order, the check or money order must be physically received by the Third Party Administrator on or before the due date.
(4) Failure to make the payment by the due date shall result in termination of a person’s PERS-sponsored health insurance coverage.


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Changing plans under PHIP

Annual Plan Change Period

From October 1 to November 15 you can submit paperwork to change your medical and/or dental plan to another plan available within your residing area. Changes made during this time become effective January 1 of the following year. If you are enrolled and do not want to change plans, you do not need to do anything. 

You may not add dental coverage or dependents during the Plan Change Period unless you have an enrollment opportunity. 

To make a plan change, you must fill out both a Disenrollment Form for the plan you are ending and an Enrollment Request Form for the new plan.

If you do not submit a change during this period, you will be unable change your enrollment midyear, unless you experience a family status change or new enrollment opportunity.

Notice: Submit both forms before the November 15 deadline.

Snow Bird

The Snow Bird option allows members enrolled in a PHIP Providence Health Assurance or Kaiser Permanente Medicare Advantage plan to change their health plan to either the Moda Health Supplement Plan or the UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan while temporarily living or traveling outside of their Medicare Advantage plan’s service area. Members must plan on living outside the service area for more than 60 days to use this option.

Before leaving, contact PHIP to request a Disenrollment Form and an Enrollment Request Form to change to the PERS Moda Health Medicare Supplement Plan or the UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan for the time outside the managed care service area. Upon returning to Oregon, members will be eligible to change back to their prior Medicare Advantage plan.

The Snow Bird option also applies to non-Medicare members who are enrolled in Kaiser Permanente. You have the option to change to the same plan (Core Value/HDHP) under UnitedHealthcare.

To change, you must fill out both a PHIP Disenrollment Form for the plan you are ending and a PHIP Enrollment Request Form for the new coverage.

Notice: Submit both forms to PHIP prior to leaving the service area.

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Adding a new spouse or dependent

New dependents can be enrolled within 30 days of the family status change (e.g., birth, marriage). If the spouse has a different last name than the retiree, a copy of the marriage certificate will be required. If both the retiree and new spouse and/or dependent are Medicare eligible, they must enroll in the same Medicare plan. 

To add a new spouse and/or dependent, complete and submit a PHIP Enrollment Request Form.

Notice: Effective date of coverage will be the first of the month after receipt of the PHIP Enrollment Request Form.

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Death of the PERS retiree or Spouse

If you are the PERS retiree:

If your non-PERS spouse passes away, your PHIP coverage will continue as usual. To end your spouse’s coverage, please mail a photocopy of their death certificate to PHIP and separately to the PERS
Pension office.

If you are the surviving spouse or dependent child of a PERS retiree:

If the PERS retiree passes away, PHIP coverage will continue automatically for the enrolled surviving spouse or dependent(s). You will need to mail a copy of the retiree’s death certificate to PHIP and also separately to the PERS Pension office. 

Important note regarding PHIP premiums paid through pension deduction:

When the retiree passes away their pension benefit or allowance will end. This means if the retiree was paying for PHIP health insurance premiums through pension deduction the PHIP premium payments will also end. As a result, the surviving spouse will receive an invoice for PHIP premiums. 

If you, as a PERS survivor, will receive a monthly PERS survivor benefit or allowance, you can elect to have PHIP premium payments deducted automatically from your survivor benefit or allowance. If you will not receive a monthly PERS survivor benefit or allowance you can have PHIP premiums deducted from your  savings or checking account through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Please complete and submit a Payment Method Change Form to update your payment method to either pension deduction, if applicable or EFT to avoid missed payments. If you do not pay your premium on time, your health plan coverage will be canceled. 

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Did you know?

Changes to your PHIP plan will be effective after PHIP receives written notice of change, unless a later date of change is requested.